Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Friendly Letter Unit Rubric

Friendly Letter Paragraphs
Writing Conventions
Rich Topic/ Idea Development with cohesive supporting details with background and solution.
Sentences and paragraphs are complete, well-written, varied sentence structure and vocabulary.
Effective use of Language
No spelling or punctuation mistakes
Legibly handwritten or typed with no distracting errors.
Developed topic but missing background or solution
All sentences are complete and well written with no fragments or run-ons. Paragraphing is generally well done.
Appropriate use of language
2-3 errors in capitalization or punctuation in body of letter that do not interfere in meaning.
Legibly written, easy to read with 1-2 distracting errors.
Developed topic but missing background and solution
Most sentences are complete and well written. Paragraphs are unorganized.
Simplistic Language
Several errors in grammar or spelling in body of letter that interfere in meaning.
Several distracting errors that make portions difficult to read.
No topic development, background, or solution.
Many sentence fragments or run on sentences.  No evidence of paragraphing
Little awareness of audience and or task.
Several distracting errors that make portions difficult to read.
Many distracting errors making it illegible.

Name______________________                         Total Score_______

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